“Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.”
Let’s discuss one of the C’s of leadership.
Competence can be described as the combination of training, skills, experience, and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely.
It may seem self-evident, but leaders must be competent, that is non-negotiable.
As leadership is not about you but about the people you led, you have to make an active decision to be the leader your team needed.
As competent leaders, it’s your job to know what had to be done for a successful assignment.
You also had to realize the things you didn’t know, so you could surround yourself with technical experts and learn from them.
Competent leaders never stop learning and never stop developing, personally or professionally as they provide purpose, direction, and motivation, but continually build and refine their values, skills, and knowledge.
They lead from the front and share experiences with their team, building trust and confidence along the way.
Are you a competent Leader?