Lesson 1: (Blue Ocean Strategy)
The book brings forth two types of markets, namely the Red and Blue Oceans. The first type of market is the battlefield of businesses, the place where people practice their operational activities, look for new sources to gain their competitive advantage, and pull the carpet from each other’s feet.
This market is slightly competitive, as it implies allocating many resources to fight rivals, find new ground to conquer, and always watching over your shoulder to see if others are doing the same.
The Blue Ocean is an entirely new, untapped territory where not a lot of companies end up operating. Because ending up in the Blue Ocean implies that executives of the said company spend time innovating and creating new products or services that cannot compete with what’s already on the market.
In the Red Ocean, it is difficult to look for new sources of revenue and innovate. In the Blue Ocean, this is your primary focus. You take time off from the competition and focus solely on innovation. If you succeed, you’re likely going to win without even having to fight, and consumers will migrate toward the new trend set by you.
…To be continued